A seamless source to pay solution to
help your procurement processes.

Source-to-pay (S2P) solutions simplify and optimize the entire procurement process from sourcing suppliers to paying invoices.

Automating source-to-pay processes can reduce spend up to 3.5 percent.

Medius source-to-pay solutions bring visibility and control over the entire procurement process, helping you lower procurement costs, find greater savings, and have more opportunities to pursue new sources of value.

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Source : McKinsey & Company Expert interviews; McKinsey analysis

Source to pay work

Detailing the source to pay process.

The source to pay process covers the entire procurement lifecycle, including
elements from source to contract and purchase to pay. Steps include:

Analyzing product or service needs
Sourcing and selecting suppliers
Negotiating and managing contracts
Creating a purchase order
Budget authorization
Receipt of delivery

How does Medius use intelligent technologies in source-to-pay automation?

Advances in software and artificial intelligence have expanded the number of activities that can be automated and the degree of automation that is possible. Check out the Medius applications to learn more.

Medius Sourcing

Optimize all your sourcing acitivites using accurate and timely data to select the best suppliers. You’ll enjoy cost savings, get total visibility over all tender activities and speed up your sourcing process – all in one simple to use source to pay solution.

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Procurement features screen
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Medius Procurement

Buy whatever you need, whenever you need it, from the right place at the right price. Medius Procurement is an eProcurement solution that’s designed from the ground up to get all your spend in one place and make sure that it’s all compliant.

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Medius Contract Management

Digitize your entire contract management process to ensure maximum visibility or control of all supplier agreements. Use powerful automation features to set reminders, alerts and more for key contract details.

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Contract Management Features platform
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AP Automation performance metrics
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Medius AP Automation

Medius AP Automation uses clever AI and machine learning to process digital and paper-based invoices so have in-depth controls and full transparency into spending. Spot trends before they become problems and stop worrying about duplicate or fraudulent invoices, inaccurate forecasts, and missed discounts or late fees.

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Medius Pay

Issue supplier payments with a single automated process regardless of payment method – Medius Pay takes care of all your check, ACH and card payments in one system.

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Who doesn't want more control,
lower costs and more time?

Improve visibility and control.

Stay on top of costs, forecasts and cashflow with a full, real-time view into how money is spent across your source-to-pay process.

Reduce supplier risk.

Capture essential supplier details and regulatory requirements, ensuring your master data remains accurate and compliant.

Capture spending that you're missing.

Manage spend that purchasing departments often can’t handle – integrating Medius AP Automation with Medius Procurement to handle coding and approvals and bring these costs under control.

Ready to transform your AP? 

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