Invoice fraud: guide to prevention & detection

In today's fast-paced business environment, the threat of invoice fraud looms large. With the increasing reliance on digital transactions and communications, businesses are more vulnerable than ever. Automation and accounts payable software solutions, like those offered by Medius, are at the forefront of combating these challenges, ensuring that companies can operate securely and efficiently.

What is invoice fraud?

Invoice fraud is when someone sends fake bills to a company. They might also trick the business by saying a vendor's contact or payment details have changed, giving false information to cheat the company out of money.

At its core, invoice fraud exploits the trust and established processes within an organization's accounts payable system. It's a deceptive practice that can range from simple manipulations, like altering the amount on a legitimate invoice, to more complex schemes involving completely fabricated invoices or phantom vendors. The impact on organizations can be severe, leading to significant financial losses, damaged vendor relationships, and a tarnished reputation. The time and resources spent on rectifying the aftermath of such fraud can also be extensive, diverting attention from core business activities.

An example of invoice fraud

Consider a scenario where a company receives an invoice that appears to be from a trusted vendor. The invoice might look entirely legitimate, complete with the vendor's logo, address, and other details. However, upon closer inspection, the bank account details might be different. A fraudster, having gained knowledge of the company's dealings with the vendor, could have sent this fake invoice, hoping the company wouldn't notice the change in bank details.

If the company processes this invoice without verification, the payment goes directly to the fraudster's account, resulting in a direct financial loss for the company and potential strain on the relationship with the genuine vendor.

Common types of invoice fraud

Invoice scams are a deceptive practice that takes advantage of vulnerabilities within an organization's accounts payable system. It can manifest in various ways, each with its unique method and potential impact. By understanding the different types of invoice fraud, businesses can better equip themselves to detect and prevent these malicious activities. Here are some of the most common types:

Fake vendor scams

Fraudsters create and send completely fabricated invoices to companies, often for goods or services that were never delivered. These invoices might appear legitimate, using details and logos stolen from real vendors.

Duplicate invoices

This involves submitting the same invoice multiple times. Unscrupulous individuals might slightly alter invoice numbers or dates, hoping that the company won't notice and will process the payment more than once.

Altered invoice details

Scammers might alter payment details on legitimate invoices to divert funds. Implementing strict invoice verification processes and using digital invoice management systems can help catch discrepancies.

Phantom vendors

Fraudsters set up non-existent vendors and generate invoices for imaginary goods or services. These ghost vendors can sometimes exist in the system for extended periods before detection.

Insider fraud

Employees within the organization misuse their access to the accounts payable system. They might approve fraudulent invoices, create phantom vendors, or collaborate with external fraudsters.

Email spoofing and phishing

Cybercriminals send emails that appear to come from legitimate vendors. These emails might contain fake invoices or claim that the vendor's banking details have changed, directing payments to the fraudster's account.

Intercepted payment scams

Cybercriminals can intercept mailed checks or online payments. Encouraging electronic payments through secure, encrypted channels and regularly updating cybersecurity measures can mitigate this risk.


A vendor intentionally charges more than what's agreed upon or bills for more items than what were delivered. While this might involve genuine vendors, the inflated charges are fraudulent.

Advance fee fraud

Companies receive invoices asking for payment in advance for goods or services. Once the payment is made, the fraudster disappears, and the promised goods or services are never delivered.

Understanding these types of invoice fraud is the first step in building a robust defense against them. By being aware of the tactics and methods used by fraudsters, businesses can implement effective measures to safeguard their financial assets and maintain trust in their vendor relationships.

Invoice fraud red flags and warning signs

Being vigilant and recognizing the early warning signs of invoice fraud can be instrumental in preventing financial losses and maintaining the integrity of an organization's accounts payable system. Here are the top 5 warning signs of invoice fraud:

red flagUnusual vendor information

Inconsistencies or discrepancies in vendor details, such as a sudden change in bank account information, unfamiliar addresses, or missing contact details, can be indicative of fraudulent activity.

red flagDuplicate invoices

Receiving multiple invoices with the same details or slight variations in invoice numbers or dates can be a sign of an attempt to process duplicate payments.

red flagRound-figure invoices

Invoices that consistently have round figures (e.g., $1,000 or $5,000) without itemized breakdowns can be suspicious, as fraudsters might use round numbers to avoid raising suspicion.

red flagMismatched documentation

Discrepancies between purchase orders, delivery notes, and invoices can be a red flag. For instance, if the goods or services listed on the invoice don't match the purchase order or if quantities differ, it warrants further investigation.

red flagRush or urgent payment requests

Invoices that come with urgent or rush payment requests, especially without a valid reason or proper documentation, can be indicative of a scam. Fraudsters often create a sense of urgency to bypass standard verification processes.

By staying alert to these red flags, businesses can proactively identify potential fraudulent activities and take necessary actions to protect their financial assets and reputation.

Impact and consequences

The repercussions of falling victim to invoice fraud are not just financial. Companies can suffer damage to their vendor relationships and overall reputation. Moreover, there are legal consequences and potential lawsuits that can arise from such incidents, further emphasizing the importance of prevention.

Discouraged business woman at desk
Fraud Prevention

Medius's solutions in preventing invoice fraud

Medius offers a range of solutions designed to tackle invoice fraud head-on. Our purchase to pay software centralizes and structures the buying process, ensuring that businesses can operate with confidence. With features like real-time monitoring for anomalies throughout the invoice process, alerts, Medius ensures that businesses are always one step ahead of fraudsters.

Detecting invoice fraud with data analytics

In the past, detecting invoice fraud was a manual endeavor, relying on meticulous cross-referencing of documents and the keen observation skills of accounts payable staff. While these methods had their merits, they were often reactive and susceptible to oversights. Data analytics, a transformative force, leverages real-time analysis of extensive transactional data to identify inconsistencies, anomalies, and potential fraud patterns. Machine learning algorithms further refine this process, learning from historical data to enhance detection accuracy.

Medius, capitalizing on this technological shift, offers cutting-edge AP solutions that combine real-time monitoring with AI-driven insights. As fraud tactics evolve, Medius's system adapts, ensuring businesses remain safeguarded against even the most sophisticated invoice fraud schemes. In today's complex financial environment, tools like Medius provide the proactive defense companies need.

How to prevent invoice fraud

Preventing invoice fraud is paramount for businesses aiming to safeguard their financial assets and maintain trust in their vendor relationships. While detection is crucial, proactive measures can stop fraudsters in their tracks, ensuring that malicious activities are thwarted before they can inflict damage. Here are some key invoice fraud prevention measures that companies can adopt:

  • Strengthen internal controls
    Implement checks and balances within the accounts payable process. Ensure that multiple approvals are required for large payments and that there's a clear segregation of duties.
  • Regular employee training
    Conduct periodic training sessions to educate employees about the latest fraud tactics and how to recognize potential red flags.
  • Vendor verification
    Before adding a new vendor or updating details for an existing one, carry out thorough due diligence. This might include verifying bank details, checking references, or even conducting on-site visits for significant vendors.
  • Multi-factor authentication
    Implement multi-factor authentication for accessing financial systems. This adds an extra layer of security, ensuring that even if login details are compromised, unauthorized access is prevented.
  • Regular audits
    Conduct regular internal and external audits of the accounts payable process. This helps in identifying any anomalies and ensures that the system is functioning as intended.
  • Use secure communication channels
    When communicating about payments or vendor details, use secure and encrypted channels. Avoid sharing sensitive information via email, especially without encryption.
  • Implement AI and data analytics
    Tools like Medius offer advanced analytics that can proactively identify potential fraud patterns, ensuring timely intervention.
  • Maintain a vendor master file
    Keep a centralized and regularly updated vendor master file. Any changes to this file should be logged and reviewed periodically.
  • Monitor transaction patterns
    Regularly review transaction patterns for anomalies, such as frequent round-figure payments or sudden spikes in payments to a particular vendor.
  • Stay updated on fraud trends
    The world of fraud is ever-evolving. Stay informed about the latest tactics and techniques used by fraudsters to ensure your prevention measures are up-to-date.

By integrating these measures into their operations, businesses can create a robust defense against invoice fraud, ensuring both their financial security and the integrity of their vendor relationships.

Steps to take when invoice fraud is detected

Discovering invoice fraud can be unsettling, but a clear and concise response plan can help businesses navigate the situation effectively and minimize potential damages:

Immediate action and internal investigation

As soon as fraud is detected, halt any related transactions and initiate a quick internal investigation to gauge the extent of the fraud. Inform key stakeholders and senior management immediately.


Secure evidence and engage legal counsel

Preserve all related documents and communication as evidence. Consult your legal team to understand potential implications and the best course of action.


Notify affected parties and law enforcement

Communicate with any affected vendors or external parties and, depending on the severity, report the incident to relevant law enforcement agencies.


Review and strengthen controls

Analyze the breach points that allowed the fraud to occur. Enhance internal controls, processes, and implement necessary changes to prevent future incidents.


Employee training and awareness

Reinforce the importance of vigilance among staff. Conduct training sessions to educate them on the incident's lessons and emphasize the need for continuous alertness.


By adhering to these steps, businesses can effectively manage the aftermath of an invoice fraud incident and bolster their defenses against future threats.

Invoice fraud is a pressing issue, but with the right tools and strategies, businesses can safeguard their operations. Medius stands as a beacon in this fight, offering solutions that not only detect but prevent fraud. As we move forward, the collaboration between businesses and solutions like Medius will be the key to a secure future.

Learn How Medius Can help you Prevent Invoice Fraud

Want real-life examples of fraud? Check out the 'Accounts Deceivable' podcast series.

In the intricate realm of accounts payable, understanding real-life challenges can be pivotal. Medius's podcast series, "Accounts Deceivable", offers a deep dive into these very challenges, presenting actual scenarios that businesses grapple with in their AP processes. Each episode dives into a distinct issue, from the intricacies of automation to the crafty tactics employed by fraudsters, providing listeners with a comprehensive view of the AP landscape.

By tuning into "Accounts Deceivable," businesses can gain invaluable insights, learning from the experiences of others. This series not only highlights the potential pitfalls in the AP world but also showcases the innovative strategies and solutions that have been employed to tackle them.

Listen Now

Invoice fraud FAQs

Invoice fraud occurs when someone sends fake bills to a company or manipulates genuine invoices to deceive the business, often with the intent of illicit financial gain.

An example of invoice fraud is when a company receives an invoice that appears to be from a trusted vendor, complete with the vendor's logo and details. However, the bank account information on the invoice has been changed by a fraudster. If the company processes this invoice without verification, the payment goes directly to the fraudster's account.

Invoice fraud is a type of financial fraud that targets the accounts payable process within an organization. It can involve various tactics, from creating entirely fake invoices to altering genuine ones.

The consequences of invoice fraud can be multifaceted. Direct financial loss is the most immediate impact, but companies can also face damaged vendor relationships, a tarnished reputation, potential legal repercussions, and the cost of rectifying the fraud's aftermath.

Proving invoice fraud involves gathering evidence, such as the fraudulent invoices, related communication, transaction records, and any discrepancies between purchase orders, delivery notes, and invoices. A thorough internal investigation, possibly aided by external auditors or forensic accountants, can help establish the fraud's extent and perpetrators.

Red flags for invoice fraud include receiving duplicate invoices, invoices with round-figure amounts without itemized breakdowns, sudden changes in vendor bank details, inconsistencies between purchase orders and invoices, and urgent payment requests without a valid reason.

Invoice fraud is unfortunately quite common, especially in organizations with weak internal controls or those that don't regularly audit their accounts payable processes. With the rise of digital transactions, the frequency and sophistication of invoice fraud attempts have increased.

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