What is a business case for AP automation?

A business case for AP automation is an internal project that collects all the information needed to evaluate the costs and benefits of automating accounts payable processes. It should analyze how AP automation can improve payment accuracy, reduce manual processing time and effort, lower transaction costs, increase visibility into the AP process and enhance data security. The goal is to help relevant stakeholders understand how AP automation will benefit your organization.

How do I build a business case for AP automation? 

The first step is to define AP automation: Accounts Payable automation is technology that's used to simplify and automate accounts payable processes, making life easier for you (no more pesky paper processing, manual invoice keying, and matching). In addition, this tech gives you better visibility and control over critical financial data and gives your business the tools necessary to manage spending and make smarter decisions.

what is a business case for AP?

Who needs to be involved?

Someone from AP teams usually spearheads the research and building of the AP automation business case. As part of the process, you should identify who will be a part of evaluating solutions and who will benefit from implementing AP automation. Of course, every organization is slightly different, but generally, there are a few key groups you should involve to ensure the process is successful:

Accounting and Finance Leadership:

Typically, this group will have the most influence in making decisions about technology and products. They can provide insights into challenges, bottlenecks and changes needed to improve AP operations. 

IT Department:

IT is essential in evaluating options as they implement and integrate new solutions. They can help evaluate options to ensure they work with existing systems, like your ERP, and network infrastructure.


AP automation is fundamental to the source-to-pay process. Collaborating with procurement can aid in identifying cost-effective solutions and fulfilling legal and contractual obligations.

Accounts Payable Team:

Getting the selection process for invoice software right is really important. The team that processes invoices and pays vendors should be heavily involved. They're pros at current processes and can give valuable feedback on the benefits of AP automation and how solutions will affect their workload and relationships with vendors.

Executive Leadership:

It is vital to involve executive leadership, especially your CFO, throughout the process, as they will be ultimately responsible for approving the decision. This group should be informed on progress, including key considerations and decisions.

Other Stakeholders:

Other stakeholders may need to be involved to ensure a successful outcome for your organization, including HR for assistance in employee training or legal for contracts and compliance. 

Where do I start?

Starting your automation journey or improving existing AP efforts? There's much to explore with so many solutions, software, and tools available. Don't worry, we're here to help you through the process. 

This how-to buyers guide for AP automation solutions can ease the burden of researching, evaluating, and deciding on the best AP automation software for your organization's needs. It walks you through the entire process of:

  • Defining your scope
  • Identifying your business pains and current process
  • Determining system dependencies
  • Capturing IT requirements
  • Researching, auditing and comparing solutions
  • Building your business case 
  • Make your choice

More resources to help you AP automation business case.

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