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Events and Webinars
Microsoft's Preferred AP Automation Solution for Dynamics ERPs
The last two years have challenged AP and Finance to revisit the core function and operations of their business, leaning on technology and innovation to create a new vision of their role and assert themselves as strategic leaders. Modern invoice and payment solutions, like Medius, help organizations like yours increase productivity, minimize the risk of fraud, and reduce operational costs, driving the entire business forward through whatever challenges arise.
For Dynamics ERP users, now is the perfect time to implement a solution tailored to Dynamics with quick and easy implementation and immediate benefits for your company’s financial process.
What you'll learn
- How to reach up to 95% touchless rate resulting in scalability and operational efficiency, complete real-time visibility & control and no more paper
- How Medius AP automation offers a powerful and seamless connection to your ERP without taxing or interfering with the Dynamics standard
- What real Medius customers running Dynamics ERPs have to say about the benefits of using a cloud-based, best-of-breed AP automation solution
- The evergreen lifecycle of AP automation that maintains functionality during any Dynamics ERP upgrade(s) or ERP migration

Rich Revill
VP Global Pre-Sales